Sunday, June 19, 2011

"The Gates Are Open"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2011

"Three On Their Way"Marjorie Lipari©1988

A Prayer a Day

Anything we put our minds to it is said..
we can do... this is not new news

The power of our imagination
is unimaginable....the gates are open

We know our thoughts have consequences
let us seek greater awareness

We know our actions birth reactions 
may our intentions be to serve

Till the end of time, if ever there is such an event,
energies will keep morphing in ways that our yesterdays could never have known
Bless all past, present, and future paradigms

In this here and now, let us not listen
with our egos....but rather with our hearts

As others speak let us invite conscious understanding

May our compassion still our inner chaos

May we look to recognize 
the truth inside each other

May we harmonize our living
respecting sacred mother...planet earth

Let us leap into the unknown of yourselves

Let us freely walk the golden landscapes of the spirit

Let our love release us to the realms of realization


Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2011

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