Thursday, February 28, 2019

"Waves of My Mind"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Waves of My Mind"
Marjorie Lipari©1991-2019
A Prayer a Day

I often wonder why do I care
so much about this and not so much about that
Why do I respond to one note and not another
What has me get up and go flying high through a day
What then has me resisting moving slug-like out the door
Where do I go
when I dream…really
 Do I really go anywhere
As I muse….I'm amused
It's worthwhile exploring
the workings of mind…maze like and curious
What a glorious puzzle we are
Asking this day…what have I learned
about the waves of my mind…so far
playfully exercising my wondering
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev.Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

"Love Is Premium"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Love is Premium"
Marjorie Lipari©2019

A Prayer a Day

Let the loyalty of truth
serve all mortal paradigms
 May the seeds of spiritual clarity
nurture the collective mind
May humanity "get it"
Love is premium
The only absolute
breath of reality
The food of the
heart and soul
The light
 of the all
of life

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

"Life Letting Be"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Life Letting Be"
Marjorie Lipari©1989-2019

A Prayer a Day

Doing my part on soulful walkways
Spirit of mine blessing these days 
Wisdom of ancestors paradigm's thread
The goddess seeds artful songs in my head 
Mothering planet adoring the sea 
Loving ALL animals 
Life letting be

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Monday, February 25, 2019

"Memories Flood"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Memories Flood"
Marjorie Lipari©1989-2019

A Prayer a Day

Memories flood my body now and again
 rallying an impulse in me to ask for forgiveness
for any and all mortal missteps I have taken
(without doubt) time and again in this life
 As I wake from a deep sleep,
recalling trespasses of the past,
I linger this day in a state of self examination,
placing my ego's errors into the compassionate
hands of my better angels
Praying my spirit to soar once again
returning to the altar of a clean
slate of being-ness
Holy Holy Ones
 guide my ways

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Sunday, February 24, 2019

"Into God's Morning Light"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Into God's Morning Light"
Marjorie Lipari©1991-2019

A Prayer a Day

Dreaming all night
 I can't exactly remember
of what or where or whose
images eternal were weaving
 fragmented, stimulating sensations
within this body/mind
Waking me over and over, then returning me back
 to alpha state, wrestling me with present/past paradigms
of mortal experiences, spiraling me in and out of the ethereal
Carving puzzling passages of feelings on runways of thought, diving me down into inner rivers of ideas
Floating me in moments, mesmerized on carnival currents
changing and blinking, signaling and messaging
Aching to cross over into god's morning's light
Hoping to carry something sacred home

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Saturday, February 23, 2019

"Come Visit Come Stay"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Come Visit Come Stay"
Marjorie Lipari©2007-2019

A Prayer a Day

Calling all angels
Calling all avatars
come visit
come stay
 Calling all mystics
Calling all lovers
come visit
come stay
Calling all seers
Calling all healers
come visit
 come stay
So much to do
Issues anew
So much to do
Shine your light through

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Friday, February 22, 2019

"Sacred Possibility"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Sacred Possibility"
Marjorie Lipari©2005-2019

If we can think it
 If we can see it in our minds eye
Is it not possible ?
What often is 
labeled impossible
 can become possible
as it shapes itself in the 
heart, soul, spirit and imagination 
of compassionate creators and avatars
Lord we need the impossible on this earth
 to manifest into the possible, with glorious solutions 
for all of the people who are suffering and lost to the insanity 
of misguided leaders, who are not leaders at all, 
but are lost themselves in ego's fears
Wake us Oh Holy Mother /Father 
Lead us onto pathways of 
Love's Light and Sacred Possibility

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Thursday, February 21, 2019

"Mind of Light"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Mind of Light"
Marjorie Lipari©1989-2019

A Prayer a Day

Living purposely
Giving selflessly
Seeing into the now without filter
Touching the unseen
Being one with the holy truth
Manifesting sacred visions from within
Dancing the miracles and the mystery
Walking with the goddess in the mystic realms
Loving with the mind of light

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

"Visionary Flow"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Visionary Flow"
Marjorie Lipari©2005-2019

A Prayer a Day

I pray for a visionary flow of peaceful and creative
vibrations to increase and refine all mortal doings, and
for a holy lift of humankind above all misconceptions
I pray for love to circle the globe
to stimulate compassionate-selflessness
I pray we walk away from warring 
I pray we discontinue our $$$$$ affair with weapons
I pray we recognize the insanity of killing each other
I pray we wake to the human error of believing we are separate
May angels lead us into the light of light,
soften our hearts, balance our thinking
and remind us that we are spiritual beings
Amen Amen I say Amen

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

"Love That Cares Love That Pleases"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Love That Cares Love That Pleases"
Marjorie Lipari©2011-2018

A Prayer a Day

Babies, bees and butterflies
Canines, cats and canaries
Trees, seas, and summer breezes
Love that cares and love that pleases
Let our children be themselves
Let them glow in innocence
Let them feel the tender gentle
Expressions of the sentimental
Great goddess lead the way
That we shall find our truth
That we shall heal our minds
That we shall our souls re-route
That we shall train our brains synapses
That we shall quell all crazy malice
That we shall drink from compassions' chalice

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Monday, February 18, 2019

"Lit With Light"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Lit With Light"
Marjorie Lipari©2005-2018

A Prayer a Day

Ah!  But to be seen through the eyes of love
To be heard with the ears of compassion
 To be infused with the mind of god
To do the right thing because you can
To bear witness awakened in the here and now
To live in the vibrations of the saints
 To share and care and dare
with wisdom and imagination
To inspire the inspired ...Oh Yes!
To laugh with the angels
"lit with light"
leaping over rainbows

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Sunday, February 17, 2019

"Every Story Told"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019


"Every Story Told"
Marjorie Lipari©2016-2019

A Prayer a Day

At every ending there is a beginning
At every beginning there is an end
The cycle of
The circle of
The spiral of
The twirl
The whirl of change
The rearranging of the infinite
The new
The old
Every story told
Oh Life
 Oh Love
Oh Light
 What a mighty ride!

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Saturday, February 16, 2019

"To Realize To Remember"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"To Realize To Remember"
Marjorie Lipari©2016-2019

A Prayer a Day

I used to chase after love like a lunatic
Pacing through time and space
In a maze of soulful longing
Yearning to be someone's special someone
Reaching for the sun the moon the stars
Lost and tossed in the illusions of seduction
Wanting to find the ONE the ONLY
What external folly
What ego-ic hocus-pocus
Alas Alas
To realize To remember
 Love is alive
Everywhere Everywhere
Forever inside
You and me You and me
Breathing Breathing
All of us
Here to share
Life is the ONE the ONLY
No need to long for
What we already have 
Who we already are

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Friday, February 15, 2019

"Joyfully Living"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Joyfully Living"
Marjorie Lipari©1993-2019

A Prayer a Day

truth reveals itself
like strong currents
of rivers rushing
toward their purpose
Pray god we each find our truth
Let us uncover all damaging falsehoods
Let us lift ourselves from the muddy waters
of any and all self deception and lies
Let us heal the arenas of our leadership
Not to feed appetites to punish
 but to drink in the divinity
of conscious correction
Let us invest our creative prowess
in and toward a collective dance
spiraling in sacred vibrations
honoring the seeds of our integrity
Resonating in holy energy
Oh !But to be
Joyfully living authentically

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Thursday, February 14, 2019

"To All Hearts"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"To All Hearts"
Marjorie Lipari©2019

A Prayer a Day

To all hearts To all lovers
To all masters of relationships
To all angels To all saints
To all arrows of wisdom
To all God/Goddesses
To the all of Nature
To all moments of now
To yesterdays
To the fertility of tomorrows
To all questions
To all solutions
To the ones who are awake
To those who lift us higher
To those who carry the light
 To the sun to the moon to the stars
To every breath shared lovingly

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

"Holy Elegance"Mystical Philosphy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Holy Elegance"
Marjorie Lipari©2011-2019

A Prayer a Day

May the divine
spark of innocence
 rekindle our spirits

May the original seed
of absolute truth
inform our souls

May love be the pathway
toward a holy elegance
of the collective mind

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

"It's Easy...Right?"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"It's Easy...Right?"
Marjorie Lipari©2005-2019

A Prayer a Day

 So many
thought forms
vibrating migrating
 through the air
Words flying
trying dying
to be heard
 So many
noisy gadgets
 digitally tantalizing
hypnotizing, mesmerizing brainstems
Let's break the spell with music
 Let's melt the walls with song
Let's look into each others eyes
With love... let's sing along
It's Easy...Right?

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Monday, February 11, 2019

"Isn't Life Awesome"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Isn't Life Awesome"
Marjorie Lipari©2015-2019

A Prayer a Day

The sun rises everyday...Isn't that a miracle
The oceans dance the moon…Isn't that a mystery
Bees make honey…Isn't that magic
 Spiders weave webs...Isn't that the ultimate creativity
Trees deliver us oxygen…What wonder
Grass cuts through concrete…What prowess of nature
And we…Yes we… Hold the seeds of the sacred
Isn't Life Awesome

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Sunday, February 10, 2019

"Breath of Simplicity"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Breath of Simplicity"
Marjorie Lipari©2015-2019

A Prayer a Day

There is a soulful relief on the breath of simplicity
There is a tender pleasure in small loving gestures
There is wisdom in silent moments spent in stillness
There are immeasurable possibilities
 of the sacred firing mortal synapses
 Taking time to muse the news the chitchat of this and that
To discern all concern and discover the truth within and without
Standing firmly and refusing to feed the flames of negativity
Choosing the company of the angels
Offering your holy self to life

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Saturday, February 9, 2019

"With Genius We Sow"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer A Day©2019

"With Genius We Sow"
Marjorie Lipari©1988-2019

A Prayer a Day

There are holy tools
to solve every earthly problem
seeded in the core of our mortality
 within the reach of human doings
Sacred spirit is forever
gently present breathing us
Let us invite our true and pure natures
 to uncover fertile solutions and hone
a collective consciousness
When we still ourselves in meditation, our
attention flows towards an inner awareness
Quieting our external focus
Releasing our attachment
 to random distractions of thought
Increasing our clarity
Deepening our vision
So as to see…sacred reality
So as to know…finally what's so
So as to know…which ways to go
Spiraling in a vortex of love
Floating on rivers of light
Realizing our creative being-ness
Finding solutions...with genius... we sow!

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy/ Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Friday, February 8, 2019

"Needs of Others"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer A Day©2019

"Needs of Others"
Marjorie Lipari©2019

A Prayer a Day

He will do anything to please spirit
She will do anything to live her truth
They are honestly openhearted
Available to lending a helping hand
Progressive and accepting of change,
at the same time honoring traditions
Sincerely willing to learn from history
Self aware and sensitive to the needs of others
 Creatively motivated and divinely curious
Basically they are peaceful, purposeful
carriers of light and angels of love
Committed to living harmlessly
 Walking this planet with gentle feet
Breathing with wisdom

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Thursday, February 7, 2019

"Artist Often Can"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Artist Often Can"
Marjorie Lipari©2013-2019

A Prayer a Day

All Families
 You and Me
 Together feeling fine
Together feeling free
Music plays the neighborhood
Musicians dance their hand
Vibrations of the mystery
Artists often can
Come listen to the voice of spirit
Come twirl and find your wings
God/goddess holy ears can hear it
As the celestial choir sings

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

"Holy Knowing"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Holy Knowing"
Marjorie Lipari©2019

A Prayer a Day

He said She said
They said We said
Does anyone really know
the truth of what is said
Everyone hears what they hear
Perceptions color how we see
Interpreting reality
Be it you
Be it me
Be it them
Be it we
Why not walk the pathways of the heart
Why not listen with the ears of the soul
Inviting spirit to seed our sowing
Let us grow together in holy knowing

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev.Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Rev. Marjorie Lipari/AKA Rev. Mudra: "Harmonious Waves"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a D...

Rev. Marjorie Lipari/AKA Rev. Mudra: "Harmonious Waves"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a D...: "Harmonious Waves" Marjorie Lipari©1993-2019 A Prayer a Day 02/05/19 It is the Chinese New Year The Year of the Golden Earth P...

"Harmonious Waves"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Harmonious Waves"
Marjorie Lipari©1993-2019

A Prayer a Day

It is the Chinese New Year
The Year of the Golden Earth Pig
May communities gather together
to grow in conscious harmonious waves
May we realize the value of a collective
respect for the freedom to live ones truth
May we share our knowledge
and support inspired creative ideas
May we treat our children
with a wise and a clear-minded tenderness
May we uphold a promise to protect the innocent
May we act only with integrity
in all our dealings with this blue planet
greatly honoring the nature of nature
Let us hone
our authenticity
to live this life as
openhearted loving spirits

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Monday, February 4, 2019

"Soul of My Soul"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Soul of My Soul"
Marjorie Lipari©2005-2019

A Prayer a Day

Ah !
The gift of sleep 
I wonder where 
I went last night?
The jewels of breath 
Feeling my spirit 
through the day
 Glad to be alive
Remembering all
 the days gone by
 Praying for 
Peace on earth 
Long life 
Good health 
A little bit of what 
some people call wealth
 Loving my brothers and sisters 
As best I can…lending a hand 
A member of the lovers' band
Singing and swinging 
Ecstatic on the dance floor 
Growing the soul of my soul… forever more

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Sunday, February 3, 2019

"Goddess Enlighten Me"Mystical Phlosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

" Goddess Enlighten Me"
Marjorie Lipari©2018-2019

A Prayer a Day

My heart's beating
My body's grooving
I'm vibrating with waves of love
The sun is shining the best rays ever
Nature has graced us with kinder weather
A perfect day for a walk in the park
To seek the music of a lark
Each moment's a gift…it's clear, it's clear
My spirit sings…and I can hear
I feel gods' grace and blessings too
Oh goddess enlighten me...sweet holy true

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy/Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Saturday, February 2, 2019

"Dreaming to Share"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Dreaming to Share"
Marjorie Lipari©2019

A Prayer a Day

I found a magic wand
dreaming to share with you
To invoke prayerful instructions
on how to be courageous and true

I found a magic hammer dreaming
to build a living giving sanctuary
And the world came inside
 to live in harmony and peace

Slipping on my magic shoes
I danced the blues away
Tippy tapping out
lifetimes of heartache

And now I am inhaling
another magical moment
Using it musing it
spiraling through
all the mortal confusion
Stepping into the mystic realms
 of love and light, discovering
the tenderness of spirit

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Friday, February 1, 2019

"Inspired to Inspire"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Inspired to Inspire"
Marjorie Lipari©1990-2019

A Prayer a Day

Locating your core
 Opening your heart
Finding your truth
Sharing your grace
Offering your gifts
Discovering your soul is a miracle
Living with reverence
Balancing your being-ness
Meditating at your sacred inner altar
Musing the mystery of your mortal breath
Inspired to Inspire

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"