Saturday, October 31, 2020

"Once Again I Pray"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

"Once Again I Pray"

Marjorie Lipari©2020

A Prayer a Day


What else is coming down the pike?

Who else has something really nasty to say ?

How much more madness

are we going to give permission to?

Who is in charge of this reality ?

I pray once again  

for sanity of thought 

and action and intention

I pray once again for truth to be told 

and held as sacred as oxygen

I pray once again 

for the mitigation of 

brothers against brothers

and the discontinuation of

the romancing of guns and wars

I pray once again for peace 

and harmlessness of spirit

I pray for the

 light of the divine 

to embrace the heart 

and soul of humankind


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Friday, October 30, 2020

"Heartfelt Visions"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

"Heartfelt Visions"

Marjorie Lipari©2017-2020

A Prayer a Day


Riding the wings 

of change on the back of Pegasus 

who lives in my heartfelt visions

Dreaming of good living and the kind of love 

that gives selflessly, as the nature of innocence

is forever honored and protected

 And the perfect sane and conscious

 person is elected into office 

who is holy balanced within 

and dignified without, and above 

all else is a truth seeker who cares 


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire" 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

"Visions Rippling"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

 "Visions Rippling"

Marjorie Lipari©1993-2020

A Prayer a Day



A new day

Many opportunities

 A plethora of possibilities

Visions rippling in imagination’s rivers

So very many good people praying

Courage is speaking its mind

Commitment is standing on long long lines

Change is upon us

Love is the way

God bless the sunrise 

God bless the sunset

May the moon’s light reflect the divine 

May the heartbeat of the sacred fuel the breath of mankind


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

"Ways to Go" MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

"Ways to Go"

Marjorie Lipari©1993-2020

A Prayer a Day


So many ways to go 

So many choices 

So many unheard voices yet heard

The potential of lift off 

The span of the wing

The variations

 of notes… pregnant to sing

The gift of spirit…loyal to bring 

The healings 

The blessings

The bells aways ring


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire" 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

"What Creative Truth"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

 "What Creative Truth"

Marjorie Lipari©2009-2020

A Prayer a Day


What words to choose 

What actions to take

What pathways to walk

What ideas to inspire

What doors to open 

What seeds to grow

What visions to embrace

What creative truth to reflect

What gifts of self to give


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev.Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Monday, October 26, 2020

"Wings of Awareness"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

 "Wings of Awareness"

Marjorie Lipari©1991-2020

A Prayer a Day


Whatever is coming down the pike, 

may it be met with a sturdy acceptance,

 so as to (with grace), embrace 

each moment...facing what’s so.

For the unexpected hovers in constant

to be forever expected 

And the unknown a 

loyal companion 

of the now 

I welcome the truth of ALL matter 

And I pray for wings of awareness.


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Sunday, October 25, 2020

"Someone Self-destructing" MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

"Someone Self-destructing"

Marjorie Lipari©1995-2020

A Prayer a Day


It is hard to love into lovelessness

It is an unbearable challenge 

to witness (without interfering)

 someone self-destructing 

who fiercely and aggressively 

resists any and all

 caring input

It is the act 

of hate, that I hate

 not the actor, 

though admittedly 

at times

 it is difficult to separate

 the trajectory of my responses

Today I pray within the deep of me

to stay as loving and as realistic 

in the face of the negative behavior 

of the powers that be,

 so as to maintain clarity 

and perhaps generate 

(rather than hate)…HARMONY


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire" 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

"Colors of Thought"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

 "Colors of Thought"

Marjorie Lipari©2005-2020

A Prayer a Day


Musing to perceive

The shapes of ideas

The colors of thought

The vibrations of touch

 The visions of heaven

The illusions of hell

 The loyalty of truth

The betrayal of lies

The dead bones of hate

The living breath of love


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Friday, October 23, 2020

"What Is The Moon Thinking"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

"What Is The Moon Thinking"

Marjorie Lipari©2005-2020

A Prayer a Day


What do you suppose is around the corner?

What do you image tomorrow may bring ?

How much more time will pass

 before a new way of thinking is born ?

How high will the tides rise ?

Which way will the wind blow?

What is the moon thinking ?

How far does a thought travel ?

Doesn’t this planet have a heart ?

Doesn’t this planet feel pain?

Doesn’t this planet feel love?

Isn’t this planet

 living and breathing 

and feeling and

 crying and thinking 

and doesn’t she care

 about staying alive?

Pray god we 

keep our promise 

and act as responsible 

and harmless guardians

 to our divine mother blue. 


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Thursday, October 22, 2020

"Holy Engaged"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

"Holy Engaged"

Marjorie Lipari©2020

A Prayer a Day


Curiosity moves me forward

Keeps me seeking further, wider, higher

Exploring, investigating, digging deeper with faith 

Inviting the yet to be seen…the yet to be known

Inspired by the fertile flow of sacred breath

Tapping the truth of the


Honing visions of the divine

Nurturing the roots of 

mindfulness and consciousness

Reaching into the

 miraculous moment of now

Priming pure possibility

Holy engaged



MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire" 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

"Heartbeat of God"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

 "Heartbeat of God"

Marjorie Lipari©2020

A Prayer a Day


Oh to swim in the depths of a silky silence

To expand in the space of sacred listening

To hear divine voices whispering ancient words 

of mastery and clarity and sanity and healing

To keep in step with the vibrations of celestial rhythm

To liberate the spirit of the goddess

To feel the heartbeat of god


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

"Open the Door"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020


"Open the Door"

Marjorie Lipari©2020

A Prayer a Day


Open the door 

Let the fresh air in 

Let the truth roar 

Let nature sing 

Let the goddess speak 

Let the sun rise and the moon surprise 

Let the planets spin and the children win the game 

Let the animals thrive and the earth stay alive 

Let lovers find each others arms

Let the heart express its art 

Let the moment have its say 


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Monday, October 19, 2020

"The Original Gift"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

 "The Original Gift"

Marjorie Lipari©1995-2020

A Prayer a Day


Let the currents of truth flow on to be

Let the rivers of compassion run freer than free

Let the wisdom of simplicity grow stronger than strong 

Let the winds whisper word to the light we belong

Let the song birds sing on the wing for the healing

Let the heart of nature nurture all feeling

Behold spirit speaks and the mortal soul lifts

Behold love is the power … the original gift


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev.Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Sunday, October 18, 2020

"Offerings of Honesty"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2020

 “Offerings of Honesty”

Marjorie Lipari©2020

A Prayer a Day


I won’t lie to you 

Please, don’t you lie to me

Stand and speak your truth

In offerings of honesty

Awake to the light knowing thyself

Holy loving thyself as well

Ally of spirit 

Oh precious breath

Choose now heaven

Refuse now hell


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2020

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"