" A Personal Inner -Spiritual -Ear -thing"
Marjorie Lipari©1994
A Prayer a Day
Balance is a personal inner -spiritual- ear- thing!
Am I listening ? Are you listening ? Are we listening ?
Holding onto the edge of the cliff is not
a bad idea while repairing one’s wings.
Healing hearts. Readying for flight.
“Because I said so”
is not a valid response to anyone’s why.
is not a valid response to anyone’s why.
I intend to jump back into the race as
soon as I relocate my common sense.
Am I awake ? Are you awake ? Are we awake ?
When invested in soldiering the watch towers of egos, I would venture to say that the stars’ are distanced not as far away from this earth as we from ourselves and our natural purpose.
Tuning now into spirit…..our inner sight becomes
more accurate and our humanity defines itself in truth.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012
"Inspired to Inspire"
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