"Way of the Artist"
Marjorie Lipari©2013
A Prayer a Day
When I was in the 7th grade
I was crazy for my science teacher.
All the girls were.
He was smart, he was funny,
he had a palpable enthusiasm,
he was drop dead gorgeous,
and he loved science and teaching.
He was as good
as any showman,
going on about the
periodic table of elements
and the schematic diagram,
while in-between telling silly jokes
that only a 7th grader could possibly appreciate.
I was fascinated and totally engaged
in the subject he presented.
I don’t know if was because of the crush on him that I had, or the subject, but all blended beautifully,
resulting in my 98% average.
I thought then
I wanted to be a scientist
or at the very least marry one.
Oh to be married to a “mad- scientist!”
( Mr. Zoph in my eyes, was a playful,
harmlessly romantic "mad scientist".)
But theater and music were competing for my heart
as well at the time, and alas I went the way of the artist.
But, I shall never forget Mr. Zoph,
for he was a force of encouragement,
humor, joy, and curiosity, who was
150% invested in what he was doing.
His light heart and loving spirit,
brought an enriching, powerful,
nurturing energy, committed to growing
the minds and hearts of his students.
I have never forgotten him.
And so with gratitude
I dedicate this day to every loving,
brilliant, and generous teacher I have ever known.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari
"Way of the Artist"
"Inspired to Inspire"