" Peace Is Not Impossible! "
Marjorie Lipari©2014
A Prayer a Day
Peace is not impossible!
Nor is the gentle and kind and loving
and tender energy that heals and creates wholesome existence.
As we think it.....we can make it so!
Let us invite peace into
the flow of our daily lives.
May all man-made turbulence
rippling in this world be now quelled.
May we cease harming one another.
May we stop breaking
the hearts of the innocent.
May we honor the precious gift that life is.
May we relax all oppressive
didactic fundamentalism.
May we realize the true meaning
of brotherhood of men and women
and discontinue imposing
fixed beliefs upon one another.
May we all breathe freely.
May the great spirit step into the collective
paradigm to wholly electrify humankind
in the light of peace.
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2014
" Peace Is Not Impossible! "
"Inspired to Inspire"