"Heavenly Reality"
Marjorie Lipari©1988-2014
A Prayer a Day
So I was thinking...Again!
And again...I was wondering.
What would it be like if I were truly young again,
full of boundless energy, naïve, untouched,
and rambling free, dropped into this world?
How would I negotiate to balance
in an environment with far too much confusion,
polarity and uncertainty, swimming in a mixture of ego ignorance and mental brilliance, with leaderships making choices that challenge daily the very foundation of living a sane reality?
I'm sure that it is not easy being
young and making it in this world.
This is a world that is indeed seduced by the
superficial qualities of youth and material “things”.
A world that has given “money” the leading role in
this...its drama playing a god sitting on the throne.
Is it not in the depths of our hearts
where the sacred substance of life lives?!
I pray this day we come together full circle to resonate from the core of our beings,
from the center of ourselves , from our
authenticity to share in a wholly goodness.
To be brave, to be honest,
to be intensely curious,
to contribute from the bright light of spirit,
each day to as many people as possible.
And in what ever way we can,
nurture and guide our young ones.
May we all keep in mind that there
is in each of us always the soul of youth
that is eternally remembering heavenly reality.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2014
"Heavenly Reality"
"Inspired to Inspire"