"The Currents of the Unexpected"
Marjorie Lipari©2003-2018
A Prayer a Day
Give me the strength to ride
the currents of the unexpected
Grace me with the skills to deal
with life’s circumstances, as they occur
Free me from any unreasonable
attachment to worldly comfort
Ease in me the illusion of permanence
rooted in materialistic concepts
and falsehoods of the absolute of security
But for the eternal spirit go I
I ask for angelic support in all
that I do and in all that is expected of me
As I journey through this mortal state of being
I sing out with gratitude for
the mere reality of breath
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2018
"The Currents of the Unexpected"
Marjorie Lipari©2003-2018
A Prayer a Day
Give me the strength to ride
the currents of the unexpected
Grace me with the skills to deal
with life’s circumstances, as they occur
Free me from any unreasonable
attachment to worldly comfort
Ease in me the illusion of permanence
rooted in materialistic concepts
and falsehoods of the absolute of security
But for the eternal spirit go I
I ask for angelic support in all
that I do and in all that is expected of me
As I journey through this mortal state of being
I sing out with gratitude for
the mere reality of breath
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2018
"The Currents of the Unexpected"
"Inspired to Inspire"
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