Thursday, November 1, 2018

"Looking at the Heavens"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2018

"Looking at the Heavens"
Marjorie Lipari©1991-2018

A Prayer a Day

Looking at the heavens 
there are clouds whose faces
 show traces of mythical beings
And my imagination soars
As the great sun greets the day
And mother moon hangs high 
patiently awaiting her night time shift
 Gentle breezes move 
with grace across my shoulders
and the winged sing songs that so sweetly 
serenade the ears of those willing to listen
Praise be to all of nature divine
thanking the goodness of all hearts
 that do their part to make life better

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2018

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

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