Saturday, February 19, 2011

"The Grand Puzzle"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2011

"The Grand Puzzle" Marjorie Lipari©2008
A Prayer a Day


May we live in graceful

surrender to do good things.

May we recognize the grace in each other.

May we share the things we know best

and be humble enough to ask of things we do not know.

May we be satisfied with simplicity.

May we always hold spirit above the material.

May we distinguish between our

hearts’ desires and ego’s lust.

May we seek within and without for the truth.

Let us pray for the well-being of all peoples.

Let us pray for the protection of mother planet.

May wise energy flow from our souls

into the highest manifestations to benefit all.

May I be for you a light, as you are a light for me.

May we all be given greater insight

to piece together the grand puzzle

of this earthly journey.


Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari

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