"Yearning To Blossom"
Marjorie Lipari©1992
Marjorie Lipari©1992
A Prayer a Day
May we open our minds and hearts
and flow with a natural ease.
May we journey far into our inner worlds’ connecting to the sacred grid, the sanctuary of all our innocence, the source of our true gold and our divine eternal treasure.
Let us pay attention to the richness of our mortal beings, the subtly of our spirits’ vibrations, remembering we each came to this earth
plane to learn and to deepen our souls.
We are magnificent life-forces who have come into flesh and bone.
We are High Priests and High Priestesses.
We are light carriers.
We are mountain climbers and sky divers.
We are inventors and magicians.
We are miracle workers.
We each are the seed of eternal
love yearning to blossom.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012