"Blessed Freedom of Will"
A Prayer a Day
I do not know how the future may represent
herself to my heart and soul, but I do know
that I was born with a blessed freedom of will,
an innate skill-set, and the imagination for investigation,
imprinted to muse and create a life inspired for insight and purpose.
I've lessoned it is paramount to be awake and wisely humble
to achieve a conscious partnership with the powers that be,
so as to resonate in the vibrations of sacred voices within
feeling the holy heartbeat of the ALL of ALL.
I do not claim to be in control of what comes down the
mortal road, for it is liken to an ocean rising and falling
with unknowns, unseens and the unexpected,
but while I AM here… grateful in this life on loan in this body mine,
the me of me vows to refine and elevate my being.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012
"Blessed Freedom of Will"
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