"I Love You...BUT!"
Marjorie Lipari©1995
A Prayer a Day
“I love you, BUT!”
I heard her say to him.
Love has no buts…I thought to myself
idealistically, as I walked this Easter Sunday
past them on Second Avenue.
“We must find a balance.” he said.
And she gently agreed with him.
Then I thought…Does that mean
one of them will render themselves acquiescent,
or will both people get to fully express
their heart’s needs and desires,
as each honors the other?
Or will this balance attempt
create further obstacles?
Well then I mused…back to the drawing board .
Into the heart of the matter.
What is the truth?
I mean do they love one another enough to love no matter what?
Do they love one another enough
to bend and weave and dance with the waves
and the rushes of their human egos and mortal needs?
Will they recognize that to choose
love above all else is indeed a
sacred sweat and tears dance,
that requires working the choreography
on a daily basis?
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2013
"I Love You ...BUT!"
"Inspired to Inspire"