"Wise Minded"
Marjorie Lipari©1989-2015
A Prayer a Day
The permeation of greed,
fearful ego impulse and an
insane desire to control others,
to safe-guard fundamental belief systems,
has rendered toxic the conditions in the lives of
brothers and sisters through out the world.
So many innocent people are now living
in states of intense suffering and unimaginable loss.
I pray we clean up the slate of our thinking.
May we invite inspired and creatively open hearted
and wise minded energies to flow between all of us.
May we together encourage a greater
trust in the loving intelligence within ourselves,
opening wider and deeper our listening, and become
an active part of sane and harmonious solutions.
May we each on a daily basis vigilantly shed
any tendency to be discouraged or over burdened in
hopelessness about this mortal struggle.
May we each locate in ourselves
an innate inner strength to heal and grow
collectively brighter/collectively lighter.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev.Marjorie Lipari©2015
"Wise Minded"
"Inspired to Inspire"
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