Thursday, October 31, 2019

"May Truth Succeed"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"May Truth Succeed"
Marjorie Lipari©2003-2019

A Prayer a Day

May peace prevail
 May love 💕 take lead
May the voice of truth succeed
May compassion stop the bleeding of our sanity
May right action correct our mistaken vanity
May we as a species resurrect within ourselves the witness
May we mortal beings restore our mental fitness
May we protect and respect the all of nature’s sight
May we lift our inner eyes toward sacred light
May we strengthen our soulful selves with holy might

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

"Let Us Grow Gardens"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Let Us Grow Gardens"
Marjorie Lipari©1988-2019

A Prayer a Day

Choices are forever
 Forever before our eyes
 So many paths to wander
Let us be wise
A trillion thought-forms
Spiral through time 
Bright lights and dark nights 
Illusions unwind
Truth lives eternal 
So it is said
Let us grow gardens
For generations ahead
Oh dearest lord
Today we do we pray
Let consciousness flow in us
Let love lead the way

Rev. Mudra
MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

"Sacred Song"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Sacred Song"
Marjorie Lipari©1984-2019

A Prayer a Day

Voice of spirit 
May you holy hear it
Sow with it grow with it 
Divine with it...all thy knowing
Opening with it...thy inner eye 
Behold with it angelic vision
Dive with it into the eternal sea of love
And soothe thy heart with sacred song

Rev. Mudra
MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Monday, October 28, 2019

Year Twelve/MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019"Vibrations Flutter"

"Vibrations Flutter"
Marjorie Lipari©2000-2019

A Prayer a Day

Ask and you shall be heard
Speak and the universe shall listen
Vibrations flutter all about, no doubt 
Sowing within reaping without
Stillness hones wisdom 
Silence owns the god code
Day after day 
bears another reason 
Walking with spirit through 
the breath of another season 
Living giving
 the best of me
from the deepest 
 truest heart of me

Rev. Mudra
MysticalPhilosophy Rev.Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Sunday, October 27, 2019

"HolyMother/Father"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"HolyMother /Father"
Marjorie Lipari©2005-2019

A Prayer a Day

Someone anyone 
you meet this day 
just might be an authentic 
angel of the highest order
Or a saint from 
beyond the farthest heavens
Perhaps, the wisest and holiest 
of gurus, come to inform your spirit
Maybe a healing
 light greater than any sun
Or a god/goddess bestowing upon
 you the grace of holy mother/father
Keep thy heart and thy mind
innocently listening and open
to the inspiration flowing 

Rev. Mudra
MysticalPhilosophy Rev.Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Saturday, October 26, 2019

"Loyal and True"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Loyal and True"
Marjorie Lipari©2014-2019

A Prayer a Day

I know a few things 
With so much yet to learn
Open and curious
With a passion to turn
Life’s pages and see 
All I came here to be
I am willing to listen 
To the truth of another
 I am seeking to grow 
With each sister and brother
As I daily let go of the past 
Goddess memories deepen to last
For every beloved and friend
Whose earth journey has come to an end
My kinship remains loyal and true
 My spirit eternally travels with you

Rev. Mudra
MysticalPhilosophyRev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Friday, October 25, 2019

"Being Mortal Being Human"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Being Mortal Being Human"
Marjorie Lipari©1981-2019

A Prayer a Day
10/2 5/19

Though I practice mindfulness, so as not to take
the next moment or the all of life for granted, 
sometimes I drift off into a kind of sleep state, 
being mortal, being human, and I find 
myself doing just that.

Today I am reminding myself to live as much in the present 
as I can..awake…in the now…being here…listening, and  
to the best of my ability, not going into a sleep state of consciousness.

Each moment of life 
is a true gift of spirit
I am choosing this day 
(to the extent to which I am capable) 
To remain awake with every
 beat of my heart and every divine breath.

Rev. Mudra
MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Thursday, October 24, 2019

"We Do Honor Thee"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"We Do Honor Thee"
Marjorie Lipari©2019

A Prayer a Day

An elegant shout from inside to out
So adoring gods’ four legged beings
Humming along to a morning dove song
Feeling the breezes swaying the trees
A joy to all eyes is the blue of the skies
Isn't nature divine!
Love breathing seeding through time
Goddess nurturing
Birthing reasons to sing 
Indeed we do honor thee
For all the beauty you bring

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

"Keeping Love Afloat"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Keeping Love Afloat"
Marjorie Lipari©2005-2019

A Prayer a Day

Let the words come, 
 the dreams flow, and the thoughts roll on
respecting life's loving memories, sometimes, 
claiming the precious breath of the moment 

Let god-possibilities come waltzing in 

with another toss of the dice to win
and another blessed new day to begin

And I AM who I AM 
still grateful…forever grateful

Believing gratitude is an 
essential ingredient 
keeping love afloat 

And I pray 
this day with 

OH! Goddess Mother
please, please, please
guide all mortal souls
to honor the sacredness
and the innocence of life

Rev. Mudra
MysticalPhilosophyRev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

"Roots of Grace"MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2019

"Roots of Grace"
Marjorie Lipari©1988-2019

A Prayer a Day

May a blanket of clarity
 fall upon the collective mind of humanity 

May all hearts and souls 
grow their love and increase their inner sight 

May the roots of grace muscle us 
abundantly with spiritual might 

May the vibrations of that 
which is pure and divine
inspire our mortality

Let us protect the innocent
 that walk this earth honoring
the holy seeds of nature 

May miracles of life come to
thrive in the palm of our hands

Rev. Mudra
MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2019

Rev.Marjorie Lipari/Aka Rev. Mudra

"Inspired to Inspire"