Thursday, June 13, 2024

"Dream On" MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2024

"Dream On"


A Prayer a Day


Dreams take us away through portals 

to other dimensions and worldly places.

How divine they can be.

 Giving us experiences that teach , 

stimulate and/or advise. 

In some cases dreams have been known 

to prophesy and inspire us into our waking hours.

They are indeed schoolrooms for mind expansion, 

emotional balancing, solving unanswered problems, 

unearthing new concepts from one's deeper self

 and giving birth to purposeful creative ideas.

I'd say, we mortals have been 

given a grand gift and inspite 

of all our crazy making human doings, 

we have much to be grateful for. 

So let us dream on and on and on, 

 taking advantage of life's sacred offerings

 and tools, journeying with our soulful selves,

 appreciating yet another gift of spirit.


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2024 

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