"China Glow" Marjorie Lipari©2009 |
A Prayer a Day
Recently I was reminded of the virtue in thanking
those who have been my teachers throughout the years.
Today I send out into this Mother Universe a wealth of gratitude
and a depth of appreciation to all of my teachers.
Past, present and future. Seen and Unseen.
I am this day who I am because of a generosity of hearts.
Thanking mentors, friends, lovers,guardians, authors,
artists,musicians, dancers, every animal I have
ever encountered, and every set of baby eyes
I have ever looked into and seen god 's truth.
I have been given to learn so much and pledge
to forever be a student open to the next moment.
I bow to all of life and every aspect of natures ways.
I am grateful to be on this mortal journey and to be
walking a path toward my soul ‘s eternal freedom.
The trees that sway in the breeze teach by display
their surrender into the changing seasons and the cycles of life.
The currents and swells of the sea message
powerful cosmic signals informing the emotional body.
I thank my spirit guidance and my angelic teachers.
I thank the Great Grandmother in the world of the divine.
I thank the genius of light 's ray and the flutter of butterfly.
Pray life teach me clearly.... who I am.
I honor the spirit of each and every one of my teachers.
May the mentor keep showing up.
May I be the very best of students.
Praying with a fullness of being, that I may be spirit ‘s echo.
Humbled in divine guidance.
Deeply Respectful,
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2010