A Prayer a Day
I love that we are connected in ways we will never fully understand nor to what extent.
I am referring to experiences of connection that seem almost miraculous at times. Incidents of communication taking place
through the ether leaping time and space.
Tuning into another out of the blue, in a clear and accurate way suddenly.
Feeling an energy or seeing a face in our minds eye,
of someone we now know or someone we knew back when.
One who is or was a part of our reality, having something to say to us
now or is perhaps making a vibratory request of some sort.
They may not resonate beyond an instant for our recognition
but they can and do hold the weight of a realization.
I always send a blessing through the airwaves to that being.
It makes sense to me to send a prayer in their direction and to thank them for any
blessing they just may have sent my way.
Human phenomena is indeed a mystery.
Humbling and engaging to this mortal, at the very least.
Here’s to mystery and miracles.
Here’s to every sacred moment of connection.
Here’s to all truths larger than the mind can wrap itself around, but perfect for the heart of spirit.
Here's to sensitive beings…tuned in.
Indeed we are a family…connected.
It is good to remember and realize on this day.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2011
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