Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"Swim the Unknown"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

 "Swim the Unknown"
Marjorie Lipari©1995

A Prayer a Day
As we sow to reap the now
Be that loyalty and love allow
Never knowing what shall follow
Pray us here and for tomorrow
Dance us happy
Prance us laughing
Glow us starlight
Show us god sight
Climb us holy mountains
Splash us holy fountains
live us long
live us free
 live us strong
bless us hope
bless us charity
bless us inspirations’ clarity
Play time day time
 Night time streams
Swim the unknown
Geniuses’ dreams
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

"Walk the Path of Spirit" Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

 "Walk the Path of Spirit"
Marjorie Lipari©2011

A Prayer a Day

May you kiss the face of truth

Hold the hands of love

Walk the path of spirit

Meet the eyes of innocence

Hear the sounds of sacred silence

Dream in the arms of grace

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Generous Mystery"Mystical Philosophy / A Prayer a Day©2012

"Generous Mystery"
Marjorie Lipari©2012

A Prayer a Day

Isn’t it an adventure scouting for the missing pieces to the puzzles of life?

Though it can be extremely frustrating even provocative,
reaching for a fuller view and a  greater clarity of understanding, 
yet never quite being able to embrace the all of it.

Perhaps, we as mortals were never meant to witness the full picture
  in this dimension and life continues to maintain her mystery.

Not knowing the all of everything motivates and encourages
our creative efforts and inspires our manifestations,
our self exploration and hones in us the desire for a deeper wisdom.

Not seeing the entire landscape stimulates us to venture beyond our comfort zones,
to trust our journeys past the familiar, to grow our insights and to mature our very souls.

We absorb and integrate to the extent that we are consciously capable and the rest of the design of our actions are guided by faith and a boldness that forward moves us.

I like walking out of my home not always detailing every single step I will  be taking  before hand.

Let life be herself and I will flexibly flow in her currents
seeing what I can see, feeling all that I can feel, and learning,
learning more and more about the grand puzzle of existence.

 I live with gratitude in the generous mystery of time and space.

Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

"Sunlight's Rise"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

"Sunlight's Rise"
Marjorie Lipari©1990

A Prayer a Day


Standing in sunlight's rise

 Feeling sky's heavenly eyes

Sensing our children spinning

Growing, seeking, sowing, winning

Musing the core of earth’s reality

Harvesting the seeds of actuality

Angelic hearts shore mortal hands

Compassion does as love commands

Lucid dreams see visions blooming

Human nature’s wisdom ’s looming


Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Musing With Mudra Canceled01/27/12

due to people at the last minute dropping out,
Musing With Mudra 
has been canceled for tomorrow.

I will post as soon as a new date has been decided.

Marjorie Lipari


"Ever Rich in Friendship"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

"Ever Rich in Friendship"
Marjorie Lipari©1990

A Prayer a Day

I remember when I was a young child,
how in love with my best friends I was and how
very, very important they were to me and my sense of  belonging.
I believe we all feel this way as we are  growing up.
I remember how a friend’s presence in the sharing of some event
could make me deeply happy and how sad I  could get, if they could not be there. Of course now as an adult  it may not be quite as emotionally dramatic, but there is a selective difference in the quality of any given experience when a friend is standing by your side.
 We all need each other, no doubt, no argument there.
Gratefully I grew up with many a good and dear friend.
And today I am humbly ever rich in friendships.
 I am in this moment reminding myself of how vital and life supporting
 true blue friends are…. indeed.
The more years I am on this planet the more I realize
the golden value of friendships and how important it is
for all of us to continue to shine our light upon them.
My prayer is that I never take for granted the love and loyalty
 of my friendships and that I do my part generously in keeping
them wholesomely alive and well.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Heavenly Earth"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

"Heavenly Earth"
Marjorie Lipari©1990

A Prayer a Day

I thank the great creator for every you,
every us, every we, and for each brother and sister.

May we be consciously moving and doing,
seeing and being with a solid unity through every one of our mortal experiences totally supporting each other as family.

LIFE!  Thank God for our lives.

May we get better and better at living here on this beautiful planet harmoniously,and stop dividing ourselves into defense camps, that are fortified by our clouded mindsets and alienating thought forms.

We are brothers and sisters who have come here each in the same way…naked and innocent… and we will leave with the same simplicity, with no things, no longer needing to be right,no longer needing our physical bodies.

I pray this day we wake up big time,
invite more wisdom into our paradigms,
and humble ourselves in the presence
of one another's divine nature,
 with all the gratitude we can muster.

 Let’s truly build a heavenly earth
 together with our time here.

May we rise up in loving ways and live our days creating a pure reality with the seeds of our collective and sacred visions.


Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Sacred Fire"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

"Sacred Fire"
Marjorie Lipari©2003

A Prayer a Day

Raising higher sacred fire
Nurturing our heart’s desire

Playing fair in life’s game
Soulful reason why we came

Conscious be our mortal actions
Musing to reduce distractions

Keeping spirit’s holy contract
Gracing every moment’s impact

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Keep Going"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

"Seeking The True of True"
Marjorie Lipari©1991

A Prayer a Day

Keep going
 Keep growing
Keep moving those feet
Keep dealing
Keep feeling
Heart to heart beat
Keep listening
Keep glistening
Shine in love’s skill
Dance for soul’s will
Dream to the core of you
Seeking the true of true

Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Marjorie Lipari

Monday, January 23, 2012

Musing With Mudra

A Creativity Salon

Creative Resilience through Change

Saturday 01/28/12
 1-3:30 at 611 Broadway
(North of Houston Street)

 Suite #842 (straight ahead off far right elevator)


RSVP:pronto pronto please....fee $25.00

"Year of The Dragon"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

"Year Of The Dragon"
Marjorie Lipari©2008

A Prayer a Day

May every human heart be lifted to wake in greater consciousness on this auspicious day, 
as we… pray… move with grace into the
Chinese New Year of the Dragon.

May we all find strong in our souls an increase of sacred knowing and conjoin in holy wisdom to explore with a clarity of vision, our humanity.

May an upsurge of inspiration flow in us
 to nurture and influence our mortal paradigms,
and carry us deeper into the core of our compassion.

Pray we each expand in our self knowing,
that we heal to grow as a charitable collective body,
whose true nature is to reach out with
kindness and a tenderness of spirit.

Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Human Spirit"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

"Human Spirit"
Marjorie Lipari©1990

A Prayer a Day

Don’t have all the questions to ask
Don’t have all the answers to pass
Open minds need not keep score
Open hearts simply glow more
Innocence is easy going
Wanting always to be growing
Pride a part of being mortal
 Vanity can interplay

Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

"Fortunate and Healthy Sane"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

"Fortunate and Healthy Sane"
Marjorie Lipari ©2005

A Prayer a Day

Cold white snow on the ground
Powdered diamonds falling down
Warm high roof over head
Soft warm blankets on the bed

Fortunate and healthy sane
Living pure this mortal game

Keep life simple
No more wars
Sacred practice
Peaceful cores

We.... apart of gods’ creation
Ride the waves of inspiration

Every breath is always teaching
Human hearts are always reaching

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

"Grade "A" Patience" Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day ©2012

"Grade "A" Patience"
Marjorie Lipari©1988

A Prayer a Day

Today I focus prayerful intention to fortify
an even temperament that carries with it  
grade “A” patience.
May my capacity to gracefully accept the flow of events in daily
circumstances reflect with refinement in my behavior and responses.

May any self centeredness that impulses to bubbles up in me,
be now holy calmed, offering an ego free zone for my
 body, mind and heart to live light glowing.

Humbly I pray for an uplifting of character, so I may live this life with
a greater degree of vision for truth, fewer illusions and less suffering.

Honoring the elements that give breath and keep the flames of life
burning, with gratitude I walk this planet humbled with compassion.

Prayerfully I reach into my soul for sacred tools to ride the waves of
 this earthly paradigm honing the skill to elevate my humanity.

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Compassion Take the Reins"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012


"Compassion Take the Reins"
Marjorie Lipari©2011

A Prayer a Day
I pray this day that we as living spirits collectively and gently
 remove our ego barriers to step openly and freely into a loving
circle of truth, to nurture all beating hearts of light that are now
so passionately beseeching us to come together as one.
May we remember how to live sacredly as the divine ones we were each born to be.
May we remember our holy ancestry and step out of and wake from our illusions.
May we help each other to tune into and resonate with our soulful selves.
May we support each other in facing our deepest fears,
developing further our ability to live with insight and spiritual vision.
 May compassion take the reins of our humanity in all our actions.
Rev. Mudra
  Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"The Gold of Breath The Gift of Time' Mystical Philosophy /A Prayer a Day©2012

"White Buddha"
Marjorie Lipari©2005

A Prayer a Day

Life reveals the unexpected
Mornings evenings come and go
 Earthly lessons
Each one 
Mortals carry attributes
Embraced by unseen absolutes
With holy effort we arrive here
With sacred maps for vision clear
Each season’s reason
Yours and mine
The gold of breath
The gift of time

Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Human We Are"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

"Human WE Are"
Marjorie Lipari©2011

A Prayer a Day

A target-less
Caught in a round
Tagged on the ground
Trespassing borders
Fracturing orders
Sometimes the odd shoe falters a step or two
Actions offending 

though never intending

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy 

Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

"Ripple Ripple Ripple On"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

"Ripple Ripple Ripple On"
Marjorie Lipari©2011

A Prayer a Day

May the peace you toss into life’s pond
ripple ripple ripple on
May your path present a magic wand
to shine your light beyond beyond
For every day you live to give
And every way you give to live
May you always know
Your soul is gold
And love forever you behold
May you ting the truth a truth to ring
May your heart bring youth a youth to sing
May your body brave so very strong
May your spirit live so very long long long

Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev.Marjorie Lipari©2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Nature"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

Marjorie Lipari ©2011

A Prayer a Day

I pray that nature’s higher power shall keep us
 humans by the hour refined and more in tune.
Show the glow of father sun and the comfort of the mother moon.
Thank the earth each day she throws the seeds of food that we consume.
Waltz we under glories stars.
Catch we clues from brother mars.
Sacred mountains
Cleansing rains
Grassy meadows
Rolling plains
Humbled in the arms of kin
Aware of ego’s thin skin
As nature’s moving right along may we continue giving.
A perfect way for us to be is in the now that we are living.
So let us live and let us let live.
For the benefit of all humanity.
With love to show in spirit grow.
Great strengths and skilled capacities

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

"Dreaming Dreaming"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

"Dreaming Dreaming"
Marjorie Lipari©2009

A Prayer a Day

Mid-night direction
Mid-night connection
Blankets under star light
Traveling into god sight
Dreaming dreaming
Moments doting
Moments floating
Mental resting
Lifting beyond earthly testing
Ether offers wanderers access
Sailing into soulful success
Glory glory
Ego’s recess
 Story story
Angels saints
Celestial wood
Shake from me
All falsehood
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

It's What It Is... The All Of It"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

"It's What It Is...The All Of It"
Marjorie Lipari©1988

A Prayer a Day

It’s what it is … the all of it
It’s what it is…. the wall of it
The large of it
The small of it
The safety and close call of it
The curve ball and the brawl of it
The open road...long haul of it
The framing it
The taming it
The poetry exclaiming it
Wisdom’s hand reclaiming it
Imagination living it
Inspiration giving it
Accepting is the how
Life’s the game right now
Honor ever name of it
Dissolve your ego shame of it
Remove your mortal blame of it
It’s what it is...the all of it
Let blessings be the shawl of it

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Musing With Mudra/ January 28th

Musing With Mudra
Let's us utilize our creative resilience through these times of enormous changes and transitions within ourselves and out in the world. Creative gifts are healing tools and a source of  our spiritual nurturing.
Tuning into our natural creative selves is a key to a wholesome way of living and the road that walks us in our truth.
Come join us and reach more deeply into the source of your creative beingness.

RSVP by the 25th 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

"EGO Wrestling"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

 "EGO Wrestling"
Marjorie Lipari©1988

A Prayer a Day

  I am imagining spiraling upward/inward, rising and swirling,
all my energy flashing through the galaxies,
twirling, twirling, laser-lit ever so fast and refined,
penetrating through to the eternal invisible
 well beyond space, passing all mortal limitations of time and cognition.

Grand this contemplation, lifting me into the spiral eye of sacred light,
floating me on a page of all knowing wisdom, filling me with a divine assurance,
touching me with tender hands of love and resting me
 in the heart of the great spirit.

Oh in gratitude I praise my soul’s visions.

 I celebrate these etheric wanderings with prayer and inspiration.

May I learn to sing the songs of gods and goddesses.

May I resonate in the beauty of story telling truths.

May each holy dream free me of my earthly ego wrestling.

Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Truth"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012


Marjorie Lipari©2009

A Prayer a Day

What is true for me…in me? What’s true for you…in you?
Minds issue forth relative truths, that speculate and rationalize.

Thoughts are our perceptions.
Perceptions filter through our mortal experiences
and emotions that are attached to our histories and cultures.

The truth I see in this moment may be enormously
 different than the truth you see.

The truth resides in our hearts and in the heart of the conscious collective.

The heart does not lie, the ego does.

Though it is not comfortable to lie to ourselves, still we do, which can
produce in us a grand disharmony and a dis-ease of living,
with a subtle gnawing in our guts, a lack of peace,
and a constant wrestling with an unsettled mind.

A true heart beats with a grace and a balance.

Living an untruth walks us on discordant paths.

I pray today that in all manner of gentle kindness, 

we each look into our inner most selves, with absolute intention to be stunningly honest,
seeking what is in us that is genuine and authentic,
for the manifestation of our god given essence.

For in the core-soul of our very beings,
I believe it to be so that we carry the truth
and the light of an all inspired knowing.

Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Intention's Seeds"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2012

 "Intention's Seeds"
Marjorie Lipari©2011

A Prayer a Day

Listen to the music of the universal orchestra
Ride upon the thinking of the wise and holy minds
 Careful when you speak for what you say does make the difference
Witness nature’s spirit as her mystery defines
Beauty is divinely sound
Praise all rainbows touching ground
For clarity I will say now this
Loving skill-sets never miss
The heart is wisdom the soul is master
Traveling time now…faster…faster
As sun shines warmth for light’s release
We join together all hands of peace
In the tides of rushing rivers’ flow...in the  fullness of its’ lather
Here and now compassion unfolds...high intention’s seeds to gather

Rev. Mudra

Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2012