Wednesday, May 4, 2016

"In Our World"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2016

"In Our World"
Marjorie Lipari©1992-2016

A Prayer a Day

In Our World
There are those who 
are tender and those who are not
Those who are loving 
and those who have forgotten how to love
Those who repair and those who do damage 
Those who are selfless 
and those who are self-serving
Let us remember that our time here is fleeting 
We live 
We die 
 We all fly home
Let us do bless-ed things
 for each other while we are here
Let us wake our compassionate
 hearts to serve higher principles
Pray any seduction toward evil actions 
 be removed from the menu of our reality 
May we heal each other 
and steel against our egos selves
May we wash away all 
harshness of mind to transform 
our thinking in the name of the divine 
To more peaceful days 
To more peaceful ways

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2016

"In Our World"

"Inspired to Inspire"

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