"A Musical Moment"©1985
A Prayer a Day
Little children tenaciously
remember the promises made to them. When I was young my father promised
he would bring home to me a guitar.
The next day I waited.
OH did I wait.....with bated breath for dad to come home.
When he arrived he was empty handed.
I was soooooooo let down.
The following night bore the same result.
This went on for three weeks and every moment of those 21 days was painfully exaggerated by my impatience and an acute experience of disappointment floundering about in my youthful enthusiasm.
But that final evening when DAD walked in with my beautiful new guitar
was one I shall never forget, and I remain to this day forever grateful,
loving him for opening up a world of
music, song, singing, and composing in me.
I never put that instrument down, and as a
result became a pretty prolific songstress.Patience - patience - patience.... I am still learning.
It is a practice that never ceases needing my attention.
Especially now with faster and faster being the criteria
for every activity in our modern electronic and digital lifestyles.
May I slow down -tune in -get quiet -calm myself- relax-
take a deep breath of gods clean air and feel my own heartbeat.And meditate.
May I build within me an architectural design of sacred patience and stillness.
May my perceptions be refined in me and my actions meaningfully precise.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2011
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