Who thought the first thought ?
Who spoke the first word ?
Who taught fish to swim ?
Who taught wings to fly ?
Why, why, why.... are we all here ?
Who brought the light ?
Was it the night watchman ?
Was it the morning dove ?
Why did the first drop of water drop ?
Who brought the air ?
How did solid get solid?
How did this earth come to be....REALLY ?
Who am I ....REALLY ?
Who are we.....REALLY ?
What is this paradigm we’re living ?
Who echoes us ?
Where do we go from here ?
What is the source of everything ?
Who can explain the unexplainable ?
How close are we to REALLY knowing ?
Was it Light that thought the first thought ?
Was it Love that spoke the first word ?
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2011
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