"Give Way To Love"
Marjorie Lipari©2013-2015
A Prayer a Day
People are us!
The "others" are us!
WE are truly one!
Breathing in each other cells... literally!
Walking in the energy fields
of every sister and every brother.
Is it not crazy making....to war.
Is it not madness to tear at the
very fibers of our own life force.
To think blowing others out of their living bodies
is a wholesome and balanced solution....is insane!
I pray for “right thinking” to prevail
in the consciousness of humanity.
May our youth especially be guided
on pathways of harmlessness and empathy.
May we come
to honor and care
for each other as gifts of life.
May miracles come into play that
inspire humankind to down all weapons,
heal hateful and fearsome egos and give way to love.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2015
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