Tuesday, June 19, 2018

"Tools of Compassion"Mystical Philosphy/A Prayer a Day©2018

"Tools of Compassion"
Marjorie Lipari©2017-2018

A Prayer a Day

Let us pray this day
that we the human race
skillfully prime our holy
tools of compassion breathing within us
to protect and honor the lives of our children
With common sense may we
 wisely use our minds and hearts
 to reorder (immediately) our priorities
 creatively elevating our paradigms
for purposeful and harmonious cooperation
in the collective remembering of
 love comes first and love comes last
Let us overcome the
worship of egos' material bag of tricks 
 seducing us and fueling our fears
Let us wake to the realization
that this mortal journey
we are on together 
was meant for the conscious
uncovering of a greater truth
discovering who we are and why we are here
in the sharing of our god /goddess selves

Save our divine children!
Save our divine selves!

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2018

"Tools of Compassion"
"Inspired to Inspire"



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