Thursday, September 12, 2024

"Laser Focused" MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2024

"Laser Focused"

Marjorie Lipari©2024

A Prayer a Day


Oh but to

 stay laser focused in spirit

With all that is happening 

Praying peace for 

the human community

Oh but to stay body/mind 

balanced, collectively

 reeling in the energies 

rushing and gushing 

around and around

in spirals of far too much suffering 

in the name of the righteous

 egoic ambiguity of warring

Pray the goddess we snap out of the insanity

 of power mongering and greed and return to love

Hope is in the air, clearly desired

Open heartedness is the repairing agent

Truth be told

Souls be bold


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev.Marjorie Lipari©2024 

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