Tuesday, September 17, 2024

"The Better Story Told" MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2024

"The Better Story Told"

Marjorie Lipari©2024

A Prayer a Day


Gathering the energy

Absorbing every moment

Surrendered to the word

Sacred voices to be heard

Miracles and mystery

Sounding ancient history

Traveling through the ages

Hands of passion turns the pages 

Body/mind born to grow

Needing to know more

With open heart and open eye

Soulful spirit yearns to soar

Wholesome lovers best to claim

Forgiveness leaps to transcend blame

Truth and kindness create gold

Seeds the better story told


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophyRev. Marjorie Lipari©2024


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