Friday, September 6, 2024

"Let It Be Sown" MysticalPhilosophy/A Prayer a Day©2024

"Let It Be Sown"

Marjorie Lipari©2024

A Prayer a Day


Where to begin

With sin after sin 

Potentially in the air 

Begone forever the gun

Imagine all hate on the run

 No more killing 

No more willing

 to die for

a cause 

No more wars

Holy Mother hear our soulful call

That humanity let go of all 

the madness and mysery

Let it be love that sets us free 

Breathing together in harmony

Living and giving in peace

Let it be known

Let it be sown!


Rev. Mudra

MysticalPhilosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2024 

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