"She Knows" Marjorie Lipari©2008 |
A Prayer a Day
I pray this day that my sense memories
lead me to understand better this life I live
to wisely inform my choices going forward.
I pray this day that my sense memories
lead me to understand better this life I live
to wisely inform my choices going forward.
There are days, especially holidays,when
messages and vibrations’ of yesterdays
flood me with all kinds of emotions.
Some times melancholy overtakes me
and other times I sit amazed for all
that I have experienced up 'til now
and how full my life has been.
So many people. So much effort.
Rich supplies of love.
Knowing the greatness of affection.
Moments of cutting grief.
Imbalances and missteps.
Missed opportunities. Realized opportunities.
The treasures of music, art, literature, dance,
theater,nature and glorious magical mystical
manifestations of imagination.
And the river flows on. And energies get spent.
And life’s cup fills up
with the tears of wandering hearts.
Life is my staff. Body my craft.
Expressing the I AM I pray.
Loving my senses.
Present and growing.
To be fully alive each day.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2010
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