May each and everyone of us stay safe in any storm.
May we tune into our intuition and use our natural instincts.
May we ready ourselves to act with skillful acumen available to assist.
May we be protected by the sacred and all of our angels.
May every animal be held in high regard.
May we each have access to our inner stillness with
an increased clarity when challenged in mortal turbulance.
May we remain quick witted and receptive in the throws of sudden change.
May the rivers and oceans and mountains and bridges and houses and cities and trees and fishes and birds and all of gods creatures be embraced by the light of all that is holy and made safe when faced with the jagged edges of circumstances.
May humanity realize NOW how vitally important harmlessness and right action is to our very survival in dealing with nature and each other.
May we cease any and all materialistic destructive behavior.
May we remember that we are the stewards
of this blue planet and she is
Our Mother….Our Breath
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy
Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2011
Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2011
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