A Prayer a Day
Tomorrow will soon become Now.
Now will soon become the past.
Mortal perceptions move backwards, forwards, in, out, up and down.
Life is fleeting…yet a minute can feel interminable, relative to what is happening, for example, if I were in the ring with a professional
boxer…. nano seconds would certainly stretch themselves into an exaggerated tooooo loooong…. tooooo muuuuucchhhh reality!
I do prefer to be present every moment, though I get mentally distracted on-goingly.
Who doesn’t?
Who doesn’t?
One minute I am right here, the next minute I am floating
in yesteryears, and the next instant I am wandering
and dreaming somewhere in the land of the future.
I am however determined to keep calling
myself back to now, for it is where life truly happens.
Now is the place and the space where everything is seeded from.
All else lives in our imaginings.
May I live and love awake to every moment given
and stay present to the best of my practiced skill, so I
can fertilize tomorrows with deeds of conscious doing,
living in the now as an inspired being.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2011
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