Monday, June 13, 2011

"The Artist Seed"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2011

"Blue Moon" MarjorieLipari©1988

A Prayer a Day

There are days when my entire body feels like an aching heart.

A ripened pear or just one too many apples bouncing off the cart.

Treading the flood of potentials in an ocean of possibilities
for every moment all at once.

On fire with ideas on roads of invitation
pulling in every direction at the same time.

Burning with a desire that calls in me to manifest 
with a subtle yearning that is often human sad.

This mortal being is so attached.

This spirit is so not.

Manifestations are for what..... I ask... in the long run?

For you lord, for you?

Remembering that all is energy
and energy trust to become.

Odd in a way that what already is fully itself still desires to become.

Life perpetuating life... perpetuating

Am I complaining or am I celebrating the abundance
of the creative self and the fecundity of the artists seed ?

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev.Marjorie Lipari©2011 Lipari©1988

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