"Songs Of Shower Bathing"
A Prayer a Day
When I was a kid a rainy day like
today would seem gloomy and limiting.
Today I appreciate the quiet in the air
and the softness of the grey upon my eyes.
I enjoy the music of birds with their songs of shower bathing.
As I hear New York City car tires spin through the puddles now,
it evokes in me a sense memory of my father, as he would drive off on a day like today for his work assignments, and my young
heart would yearn with an almost unbearable love for him.
As he disappeared down the street, I missed him instantly.
I miss him in this moment.
I bless him lovingly with all my heart, as I sit
here thankful for everything he gave to me. Today a stillness pervades in me and
I feel my body vibrating keenly with an aliveness.
Memories are gifts to me, as long as I do not suffer them.
Recalling my history of many good days,
tons of challenges with more than enough lessons
has been and shall remain a powerful enrichment to my soul.
May I never forget what I have already been
taught through every experience I have encountered.
May I carry always a sense of gratitude for ever step
I have taken in this life and may spirit guide me on the road ahead.
I pray for celebration and inspiration.
I pray for vision and sacred decision.
I call to Mother Holy to stay near us always.
I ask Father Light to shine upon us brightly.
I pray for all of us here... gone....and those yet to come.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2011
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