Saturday, December 3, 2011

"Greater Clarity"Mystical Philosophy/A Prayer a Day©2011

"Greater Clarity"
Marjorie Lipari©2010

A Prayer a Day

Today I am connecting with a greater clarity.

I've desire to live this life nourishing the inner child of me,
 while being the grown woman, who gives as much as she can to the world around her.

 I find it amazing that I can locate in me in a second, the young girl,
the very small child, the teen, and all the selves of me that have traveled the mortal road to date.

 At any given instant, I am able to relive moments of my life that in numbers counted, indeed add upwards, but the feelings are alive right here right now in my body, mind and spirit.
The human condition is a playground of experiences and sensations, thought forms and revelations.
No matter how much time goes by, I can still remember, for instance, the first time I got on the back of a horse holding onto its beautiful white mane, thrilled to the core of me, or ran on the beach full of life when I was a carefree sweet fifteen,or danced with my twin on the patio in back
of our house like nothing else in this whole wide universe mattered, but music and movement
and us being together.

Though I honor my memories, I pray that I am able to release my attachment to them,
appreciating and knowing that I can evoke the sacred past lovingly at any time in me,
as I remind myself that the task at hand truly is to be right here right now facing
 what is before me, and living life anew.

Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2011

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