"Muscle of Determination"
Marjorie Lipari©1991-2013
A Prayer a Day
This day’s first eye opening moment,
I find myself looking into the face of my cat Tokyo Tiger,
as she licks my flesh with her sandpaper tongue, attempting to encourage me to get up NOW and feed her
and her sister cat Bali Bear.
I resist as I am not quite ready to give up the comfort of my bed, but if I know anything about cats, it is that they are persistent beyond the moon...never never do they give up!
And so I’m out of bed, on my feet and at the
immediate service of my felines.
As Dylan wrote and sang
“Everybody’s gotta serve somebody.”
I open heartedly and consistently
surrender to the needs of these
little ones... daily....by the minute....actually.
May I be as clear about my human
assignments out in the larger arena.
May my resistance to the “call of life” be minimal
and my fear of “whatever” be but a flash
passing by the muscle of my determination.
May I show up and meet the demands of each moment
that presents itself, fortified with grace and courage
in whatever direction spirit beckons.
May I live my days with a fullness of vitality and curiosity,
growing my soul and increasing my capacity to love.
What else is this reality for..... but to serve with love!
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2013
"Muscle of Determination"
"Inspired to Inspire"