"Recollections" Marjorie Lipari©2011
A Prayer a Day
Do you think enlightenment is a possibility... for you... for us?
Do you think you/we are capable of choosing
love over everything else...every time.. from here on in ?
Samurai order no doubt....but not impossible!
What is it of you/us, do you suppose, that motivates
a consciousness toward acts of compassion ?
What is it in you/us that challenges peace
of mind and betrays us to love-less-ness?
May you/we find within ourselves all the
tools of the heart that free us to
master the sacred arts.
May you/we hear the voice of our
soul informing our spirit’s body.
Though the unseen often unnerves
mortal minds, may you/we build our trust
and release into the unknown and walk the path of light.
Daily gently resting ego.
Embarking upon dynamic inner journeys.
Entering the stillness to return to the altar.
Resonating in constant recollection of holy truth.
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari©2011
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