"To Simply Be"
Marjorie Lipari©2010
Marjorie Lipari©2010
A Prayer a Day
Are we this day willing to be willing ?
Are we willing to simply be?
Are we this day willing to soften our resistance
to the comings and goings of all things ?
Are we masterful at dealing with the obstacles of life
without resorting to aggressive tactics ?
How much attention do we give to the voice of our spirit ?
When listening what causes us to cease hearing ?
Can we catch ourselves and stop making judgments through our ego filters ?
How often do we travel inward to realize our given wisdom?
Do we have tolerance of temperament for personal error ?
Can we live this day in a joyful way ?
Can we locate in us the innocence that we carry ?
Do we grant ourselves gentle and kind consideration ?
Do we honor the child of us that lives eternal ?
Are we not/ either sister /either brother
reflecting the all /coming together /one another ?
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari ©2011
Are we willing to simply be?
Are we this day willing to soften our resistance
to the comings and goings of all things ?
Are we masterful at dealing with the obstacles of life
without resorting to aggressive tactics ?
How much attention do we give to the voice of our spirit ?
When listening what causes us to cease hearing ?
Can we catch ourselves and stop making judgments through our ego filters ?
How often do we travel inward to realize our given wisdom?
Do we have tolerance of temperament for personal error ?
Can we live this day in a joyful way ?
Can we locate in us the innocence that we carry ?
Do we grant ourselves gentle and kind consideration ?
Do we honor the child of us that lives eternal ?
Are we not/ either sister /either brother
reflecting the all /coming together /one another ?
Rev. Mudra
Mystical Philosophy Rev. Marjorie Lipari ©2011
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